Hugo Arellano


Resume(en) | Resume(es) | Whatsapp | GitHub

I have a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Colima. I am passionate about the economy, especially in branches that involve behavior, microeconomics, programming, technology, and institutional efficiency.



Data Management and personal finance services

Behavior - python - Google apps script - evaluation - automated report

I participated in designing a test for potential customers about their financial situation, which included a brief evaluation of areas like savings, debt, inversion, net worth, and stress. In order to achieve that, I collaborated with, question and score design, processed data entry, and then put the results into a friendly semi-automated PDF report.
On the other hand, I collaborated in developing the financial advisor's plan, in the first place designing questions that allowed us to weigh the customer's financial situation with metrics and then find and evaluate behavior patterns, in order to suggest to clients personalized strategies for their set goals.

Build and exploring panel data: subnational tax competition in Mexico

Panel data - tax competition - python - streamlit

I had the chance to collaborate in a research-oriented to study a subnational tax competition Mexican states. In general I contribute in two ways, first searching and handling the data, second deploying an interactive app in order to show the exploratory data analysis.

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Counterfactual analysis with microsimulation models

Handling data - adapting code - microsimulation models - macroeconomics

My thesis team and I, adapted an STATA microsimulation model developed for Laura Abramovsky, a research associate of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (UK). So, using data from (ENIGH - National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure), on one hand we compare the 2014 fiscal reform and two proposals to see the effect on the population expenditure by decile, on the other hand, we observed the behavior of tax revenue.

Thesis Paper View on GitHub

Behavioral economics

Microeconomics - Causal analysis - Behavioral design

The credibility revolution in empirical economics alongside the development of behavioral theories and computational power, the average economist has renewed power. We can run experiments in order to reach a set goal easier than in the past decades. The following link contains some notebooks and annotations related, which go from the basic concepts of causality and behavior design to more complex structures of behavior.

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Exploratory Data Analysis of the Mexican National Survey of Occupation and Employment

Handling data - interactive - geodata - python libraries

I was to look up some official surveys and extract insights in order to support a bunch of tasks like reports, study, and development of law proposals, political analysis, and so on. In this way, the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (Inegi-Enoe) turns into one of my favorites because of its frequent publication and useful sociodemographic data. So, I did those jupyter notebooks as type of cheat sheet, if you work with similar data, you might find them helpful.

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Notes of Data Science

Machine learning - Web scraping - Visualization

As an inveterate learner, I’ve spent many hours attempting to enlarge my skills toolkit. These notebooks are a brief compilation of annotations from books, posts, research papers, basic projects, and so on, that help me to step forward in the data science world, including handling and cleaning data, machine learning, web scraping, and visualization.

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Support for legislative work

I worked as a chief office assistant of the local congress lady Malú Berver in the LIX Legislature of Colima (2018 – 2021), this gave me the chance to collaborate in the development of different law proposals, in the following links you can see some of them.

Center for the study of public fianaces of the Colima’s Congress

Objetive: The center for the study of public finances of the Colima’s Congress will be created as a support area capable to advise legislative commissions; make forecasting and analyzing public finances; endowing with request information on public finances to legislative commissions and parliamentary groups; advice about financial congress issues. In other words, the Center has the mission to endeavor Colima’s public finance behavior.

Status: Wating for analysis

Law proposal

Leggislative sesions efficency and parlamentary gazette

Status: In order to promote transparency, access to information, and effective time management in parliamentary sessions, we encourage the electronic publication of the congress sentences on time (24 hours before of the session starts).

Status: Published in the official government’s daily “El Estado de Colima”

Law proposal

Promoting the combat against overweight and obesity

Diseases associated with overweight and obesity have multiple consequences, some related to life quality and others related to productivity. According to the health and nutrition national survey, in Mexico 72.5% of the population older than 20 years suffer from overweight or obesity, in 2017, six of the ten principal death causes in Mexico were related to overweight and obesity. Promoting effective combat against overweight or obesity have two main benefits, on one hand, we can wait for an increase in expectation and quality of life, on the other hand, it is reasonable to hope for an increase in work productivity () and a virtual lowest expenditure related to the treatment of obesity diseases.

Status: Published in the official government’s daily “El Estado de Colima”

Law proposal


Advanced Management Training - 2022

Persuade - Comunication -Time Managment - Team Performance

Law proposal

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting - 2021

LSTM - Sarimax - Multivariate

Law proposal

Machine Learning and data science - 2021

Handling data - Data Process - Machine Learning - Deep Learning - Web Scraping

Law proposal

La nueva Economía Digital en América Látina y el Caribe - 2018

Public Policy - Artificial Inteligence - Productivity - Digitalization

Law proposal

Realidad Social Latinoamericana - 2017

Critical Indices - Public Policy - Labor - Education - Social Programs

Law proposal

In the process

Business Inteligence - 2022

SQL - Tableau - Excel - Analytics - Statistics

Law proposal

Awards 🏆